Monday, September 21, 2009

The Snyder News

I've been working on a new format to deliver more news and information. Please check it out and let me know how you like it.

It's a work in progress, so layout and details may change as we go along.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Snyder School Board has varied agenda Monday night 
Snyder School Board met Monday evening for their regular meeting with members Mike Roberts, Butch Spurlin, Jana Moeller, Jerry Geiger, Brian Wilhite, Perch Flinn, and James Schneider present.

Minutes of the August 3 regular meeting were approved.
As board members looked over the encumbrance register Superintendent Robert Trammell told them the school system now has 17 Smartboards with one in each home room and one in every high school classroom except one.
Trammell also offered details of other expenditures including a new milk cooler at the primary building to replace the old 1965 model, funds spent from the ag project money to build a 30 x 30 barn for washing and shearing animals, and payment to the Junior Class for custodian duties. The junior class is cleaning up after all ball games this year as a fundraiser instead of operating the concession stand at the football games.
Encumbrances and Change Orders were approved as presented, along with the Treasurer's Report and monthly Activity Custodian Report for August and September.
Mandy Higginbotham addressed the board as a concerned parent regarding healthier meals for school lunches. She noted a recent school menu containing a number of fast-food type items such as tacos, subs, chicken nuggets, chicken sandwich, pizza burgers, and steak fingers with too many carbohydrate laden side dishes. She said out of a week's menu there was only one item that was not pre-made and wondered why the cooks cannot prepare more food in the cafeteria at a cheaper price than the prepackaged items.
Mrs. Higginbotham pointed out how processed foods have been found to impair memory and too many high glucose, high carbohydrate foods cause energy spikes and make children hyper or lethargic throughout the day. She cited the Healthy Schools program menus as giving students more energy and helping to lessen behavior problems and violence in the classroom.
Trammell invited Mrs. Higginbotham to bring her information and meet with him and Cafeteria Director Rena Gibbons to discuss changes that might be implemented.
High School Principal Mark Batt made a presentation on the Pepsi Bottling Group (PBG) to replace Coke as provider of drinks in the school machines and at the concession stands. He said Coke has quit giving any incentives to keep their products and PBG guaranteed $1000 plus $500 for scholarship funds or to be spent on the students plus a good-sized rebate on drinks sold. Money made from the machines is used as needed for student activities, meals, trips, etc. The board approved changing to PBG to provide drinks.
The substitute teacher list and substitute cafeteria list for FY2010 was approved, with Trammell mentioning that the number of substitutes, especially for the cafeteria, is getting thin. Substitute teacher pay was increased to $60.00 for certified and $52.00 for non-certified to reflect the recent minimum wage increase.
Fund raising activities for the cheerleaders, student council and junior and sophomore classes were approved.
Also approved was acceptance of Lone Wolf School's appropriation of $9667 into Snyder Public School's Alternative Education budget. Lone Wolf alternative ed students attend Snyder's alternative program, with their grades being sent to Lone Wolf and they graduate from Lone Wolf. There are currently three students from Lone Wolf attending.
Resignation of Robert Johnston from driving his morning bus route was approved. Johnston's resignation letter cited more family time needed. He will continue his other duties as High School custodian and his afternoon bus route.
In other business the board approved:
  • Adoption of school calendar of 1080 hours of instruction in accordance with HB 1864. The 175 day format will continue to be followed, but the 1080 hours will grant some leeway if bad weather days or time out for playoff games or such are needed
  • 2009-2010 class schedule
  • Depositing interest in Co-op Fund into the General Fund
  • Sanction of student support groups and booster clubs, including Band Aids, FFA Mother's Club, GAB (Girl's Athletic Boosters), Homerun Club, Quarterback Club, Take Down Club, and Tip In Club
  • Amendment of House Bill 1647, allowing the "exception" to the nepotism law concerning school board members. This will allow second degree relations of board members to serve as substitute teachers or temporary support personnel
At 8:23 the board voted to convene in executive session to discuss the employment of a teacher's assistant for special education and a morning bus driver.

Following the board's return to open session at 8:45 they voted to employ Staci West as special ed teacher's assistant and Elizabeth Parker as morning bus driver.
Snyder Public School's Policies & Procedures Manual revisions by the Oklahoma State School Board Association were approved. Changes include several wording corrections and changes in the law since adoption.

One change will be for Snyder Public Schools to be recognized as tobacco free "24/7." No tobacco use is permitted in any buildings or on any grounds of the school including ball fields, ag barns, or other school property.

In the superintendent's report, Trammell presented accreditation status for the 2009-2010 school year as: "Accreditation with no Deficiencies" and "No Sites on the School Improvement List." He informed board members of upcoming school board workshops and reported on meeting with ODOT concerning cross walks.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Rainy day doesn't dampen shoppers' spirit

Garage sale planners were crying foul Friday afternoon as the rain began, but many continued preparations. The rain came again just about starting time Saturday morning and kept up all day, from occasional downpours to mostly drizzle. Over three inches was being reported by the end of the day.

A little rain didn't stop the die-hard garage-salers who stopped by the library to pick up sale lists and shop for books. We had ladies from Duncan, a school librarian from Lone Wolf, along with people from Altus, Lawton, Frederick, Cooperton, Cache, Indiahoma and Tipton.

Friends of the Library plan to continue their book sale on October 3, during the Southern Kiowa Fall Festival in Snyder.

Some who were having garage sales plan to have them again next weekend, September 19. If you call me (569-4235), I'll make up another list and have it available at the library that morning.

Thanks to the newspapers and radio stations who helped promote our sale day, and especially to those hardy souls who braved the rain to shop with us.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Ready, Set, Sell!

Snyder Community-Wide Garage Sale
FSPL Book Sale Saturday, Sept. 12

Is everyone ready for the big sale day? As much as the rain is needed, we're hoping it will hold off at least in the morning so our sale can go on.

Books at the library will be sold by the box or one-at-a-time - we have lots to choose from. Sale starts @ 8 a.m. Come early for the best selection!

We have 13 garage sales listed:
  • 600 East 9th St.
  • 801 10th St.
  • 313 7th St.
  • 1220 A St.
  • 410 16th St.
  • 1106 H ST.
  • 307 8th St.
  • 1218 E St. (Old Coy Michaels' car lot)
  • 1001 H St.
  • Fed Housing 28 A
  • 200 12th St.
  • Tava Batt - 2 mi east on 62B
  • Carol's Sign Shop N Hwy 183, Mt Park
Be sure and keep an eye out for others that did not get on the list.

If we're completely rained out, we may reschedule for next Saturday, so check back here to see.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Snyder Community-Wide Garage Sale

The Snyder Community-Wide Garage Sale, sponsored by Snyder Friends of the Public Library, will be next Saturday, September 12, not Sept. 5, as reported in the Kiowa County Democrat.

The annual garage sale day is promoted by the Friends group in conjunction with their book sale at the library. The book sale will get underway at 8 a.m. on the 12th. A large number of books of every genre will be for sale by the box full. When books are donated to the library, many are duplicates of books already on the shelves, so they are saved for the sale.

Lists of garage sale locations will be available at the library the morning of the sale.

Anyone planning a sale may contact Dee Richardson @ 569-4235 or to have their location listed.