Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Random thoughts

I was shopping at Wal-Mart today and they had the store's monitors tuned to the Inauguration ceremonies. I noticed a black man holding a little girl and watching as Obama took the oath of office. That would have made a great picture. I thought it was neat, anyway.

Now, on to other topics.
This blogging is quite interesting. I had not gotten involved in reading them much before, but since I've been researching what else is out there, I've learned a lot. Like the whole internet in general, there is such a massive variety of blogs about anything under the sun. I keep getting bogged down reading instead of writing!

I spent my afternoon being frustrated and aggravated because I couldn't get packing slips for my Snap-on orders that came in yesterday and today. The past 3 or 4 months it's been hit and miss with them getting a picklist in the boxes. You can't exactly check in the shipment or put it on the truck without that list. I can call in and they will email one, but that is a joke, too. I've done that several times and gotten them in several different formats. The only way that gives you anything like a legible printout is a PDF, but I've only gotten it that way once or twice. Otherwise they send it in some kind of text format that is a big mess to decipher. I guess it's better than nothing, but just barely! I don't know what they pay those people working in the warehouse, but I think it's probably too much! Sometimes I think they go out of their way to just toss things in the boxes - some packages come in looking like they've been stomped on! And, while I'm ranting about their shipping, they waste more packaging! There will be one or two little tools in a big ol' box stuffed with paper. What a waste!

OK, that's enough soapbox for one night. Maybe I'll have something more interesting to report next time.

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