Wednesday, July 1, 2009

City sets budget at $1,391,266

I went to the City of Snyder budget meeting Monday night, but I was about 10 minutes late (had an unexpected visitor at home) and they were already finished.

The council voted to adopt the $1,391,266 budget as proposed. I wonder what my granddad, who was mayor when I was born, would have said if you'd told him Snyder would one day have a budget over a million dollars?

The budget includes:
City Hall - $140,400
Animal Control - $11,120
Fire Department - $24,750
Street & Alley - $69,810
Park - $14,070
Police Department - $132,518
Swimming Pool - $37,650
Water & Sanitation - $899,948
Sewer Enterprise - $61,000

The meeting was held at the community building to accommodate public and citizen participation and comments before the vote. Sadly, the only ones present besides the council were Carol Middick from the Kiowa County Democrat and OT Brooks. One could say that Snyder citizens have so much faith in their council that they see no need to oversee it, but I'm afraid general apathy is more the cause. I find it very sad that people do not attend the council meetings. It's our city, our government and our responsibility to pay attention to what's going on.

People need to stop believing that the town will just always be here, providing a place for them to live while they spend their time shopping and eating and playing out of town. You are leaving the town in the hands of a few, expecting water to come out of your faucets and streets to be maintained and your trash to be hauled away, with no input whatsoever. Oh, wait, some do put in their "two cents" - in complaints to each other when they meet at the post office, or at church or school functions.

The new mayor and council appreciate hearing from citizens. You don't have to have a complaint to attend meetings. Being there to support the council is just as important.

We have a very good example of what happens when no one pays attention. Let's see what we can become with some support and participation and constructive criticism! Snyder is at a crossroads. It can continue to stagnate, or move forward. It's up to you.

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